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Uganda-the Equator

Jan 20

1 min read




I have wanted to come to the equator for years! What an interesting experience. I'm glad I made the journey. I really wasn't looking forward to the 4 hour ride, but it was well worth it!

Southern hemisphere the water drains counter-clockwise.

On the equator, it goes straight down.

In the Northern Hemisphere the water drains clockwise.

I truly enjoyed my time in Uganda. I will definitely go back. I only spent 5 days here as I was following the State departments recommendations, but I felt safe here. The people were genuine, nice and welcoming. I had no problems communicating or getting around town. Even the police were nice and helpful. Like I said, I will definitely go back and spend more time. I even met an expat from the states that I've been keeping in touch with!


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