Decided to hop over to Mozambique before flying west to Cape Town. I absolutely LOVE this country. The people are nice, it's beautiful and there is so much untouched coastline along the Indian Ocean. This was the perfect place to spend my birthday! I was at a beach resort in Tofo (by Inhambane) with morning yoga, a private beach, excellent restaurant and walking distance to the town where there wasn't a shortage of options(restaurants)-all great!
I got in late afternoon, so I sat out by the pool and had a delicious meal. Look at that Infiniti pool. It looks like it just blends into the ocean. Perfect way to start my 2 week birthday retreat!
The WIFI was pretty bad here, so I relaxed for 5 days, then flew to Maputo, which is the capital. A quick video of my arrival.
Bright and early the next day I went on a tour of the city.
The lemon juice church. Catholic Church that was built to not need electricity or microphone. It was supposed to be designed as representing a flower, but people think it looks more like a juicer. That's why they call it lemon church. But with all the windows, it's really bright in there. The pictures don't really show how bright it is, and there's an echo, so I could see why they wouldn't need a microphone. Then pictures of Black Cultural Art Center, Pre and post independence people involved. And of course street art. I look for it everywhere I go. Bottom the train station that's still functioning. The movie 'Blood Diamonds' was filmed here. There's also bars, restaurants, stores etc. It's one of the cleanest train stations I've seen...
The area around the train station. Heading towards the red light district. I had to sneak and get those pictures.
The girls, and that's a mailbox next to them. Not being used now, obviously. We continued on through the city center.
Botanical garden in the middle of the city with free wifi. They have a lot of wedding pictures taken here. Very serene...nice place to go on the middle of the work day.
Partial building that was abandoned when the Portuguese left. They turned old weapons and bullets into art pieces. And the tin house- again from the Portuguese era. Too hot to inhabit in the summer and too cold in the winter. Currently not in use. Statue of the first president after gaining independence. They got rid of the Portuguese statues and replaced them with Africans that lead the fight for independence.
Catholic Church left over from the Portuguese occupation.
The next day I visited The fort. On display is a casket of the man(pictured in the middle on the bottom row.) that led the successful battle for independence as well as pictures displaying the revolution.
I'm so glad I went to Mozambique. I felt completely safe here and I really enjoyed seeing and learning about this country and it's vast history. I feel it's a country that is often overlooked, but I stayed in the south and on the east coast and I never felt threatened. I ended my stay in this beautiful country similar to the way I started. Delicious meal on the Indian Ocean and watched the sunset. I can't wait to return!